Ali Kocak, MIM President of 2012
Good morning and welcome to the Society of Turkish-American Architects, Engineers and
Scientist (MIM) congress. it’s great to see scientists from so many fine universities gathered here
along with an impressive group of experts. Thank you for graciously sharing your time and
joining us today in this conference to discuss your projects, thoughts and findings. It is my great
honor to host and welcome you today.
Having the opportunity I would like to thank my team and in particular Dr. Tunc and Dr.
Erdogan for their efforts and time for putting this conference together. Before you get started, I
want to give you brief information about the goals of this conference and our society.
The goals of this Conference are:
- To highlight and bring to the fore the contributions made by Turkish-American
Architects, Engineers and Scientists to America and to publish them as the Proceedings
of the Conference. - To present the Proceedings to U.S. officials to enhance their appreciation of what these
Turkish-American Scientists have contributed to both our societies. - To establish a network and stimulate the friendship among the Turkish-American
Scientific community. - To honor these Architects, Engineers and Scientists who have made many valuable
accomplishments in their fields.
It is my great pleasure to serve as a president of mim Society, and I very much look forward for
your support and help in order to add many more successful years in mim’s history.
Over the past years, I have been part of highly motivated group and witnessed tremendous
growth and community awareness of our society which made mim a cultural leader in our
community. We must sustain our leadership position with more activities and involvements.
Since its establishment in 1970, mim has defined success based on a team work philosophy and a
good communications between the members and friends, and by involving volunteers in various
committees that were created to organize mim in its activities. As such, we have set up the
fundamentals and identified projects such as today’s conference.
The ultimate success however, will be accomplished only with your support and contributions;
therefore I am asking you to become a member or renew your membership with us and be part of
our team.